Therapy Solutions

Loving yourself and self-care starts with you.
Your Clear Path offers short-term and long-term therapy services designed to obtain work/life balance, optimal mental health, and a positive outlook. Your future IS bright.

Start the rest of your life NOW

Life Coaching

Want to achieve your goals but can't find your path?
With Your Clear Path, anything is possible and it doesn't take as long as you might think. The plan created for you will suit your needs and personality, play up your strengths, and motivate you through accountability.

Schedule a consult to begin your journey
Insightful Balance

Your Clear Path offers expert therapy services and coaching that will guide you to obtain balance in every aspect of your life. You will be given the tools you need to achieve balance you never thought possible.

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Meet Your Therapist & Coach

Lilyan Campbell provides expert therapy services and life coaching sessions remotely and locally in the Netherlands.

Lilyan Campbell, LMFT, BCBA

Lilyan Campbell is bilingual (Dutch and English). Her dedicated work is oriented towards therapy services for adults and children, in the USA and Europe.

Lilyan’s life journey impacts how she performs her treatments. Lilyan was born and raised in the Netherlands and moved to Los Angeles, California in 2003. Through many life events, she gathered wisdom to guide others in their journey.

Lilyan is a trained psychotherapist, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and took a variety of courses to deepen her understanding of healing. She also became certified in various practices, and studied Kundalini yoga; Reiki; Ayurvedic practices; meditation; nutritional coaching; Sound therapy and healing; Buddhist practices; Oneness blessings and more.

Over the past 20 years, Lilyan integrated her theoretical knowledge into her practice. Through this and her exponential life experiences, travels, and more, she collected the wisdom to help and support others.

In her life coaching and therapy sessions, Lilyan guides others to gain a fulfilling life in the long term.

Step by step, people may see their life change.

What Our Therapy Services Can Help With


Lilyan’s multifaceted approach addresses three core specialties.

Life Coaching
Life Coaching will provide insight into your goals and how your strengths and personality have played a role in your attempts at reaching those goals thusfar.
Spirituality is a unique and personal experience that can almost always play a key role in attaining positive change.
Understanding how an individual processes negative emotions is vital to accountability and shifting one's perspective in order to achieve peace.

How We Help You Find Your Clear Path


Do you find yourself in need of solutions for particular aspects of your life? Solution-based therapy sessions are for you.

Using a unique mixture of ABA, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT), Solution Focused therapy, and Mindfulness Counseling, Your Clear Path will guide you in making positive life changes. We can target your career, relationships, spiritual journey, anxiety, depression, anger, stress, ADHD, and Autism. Through convenient Zoom sessions, we create a comfortable environment, so you can be yourself, get insight, and gain tools to better your life. As an empathic person and mother, Lilyan brings her authentic self and compassion to every session. In-person sessions are available in Amsterdam, Netherlands while remote therapy sessions are available to all.

  • Therapy creates motivation to work on specific aspects of your life.
  • You will learn to understand how your thoughts, body, and emotions interact.
  • Through our therapy, you can gain insight into your patterns, and how they do or do not work for you.
  • You can obtain tools such as new coping skills, more resilience, and more self-love.
  • Self-love goes hand in hand with increased levels of self-esteem and strength to face life challenges.

Do I need anything from a doctor to get started?
No. You can get started with improving your life any time you want!

Does insurance cover therapy?
Sometimes your insurance will cover your therapy. Your Clear Path will help you get all of that sorted out before we begin.

For more questions and answers, visit our FAQ page.

Based on your needs and personality, we will create a clear plan for you. This plan includes many different elements. For example, are you interested in a more mindful approach? Or do you like a straightforward approach? All is possible. Just give us a call and start the process.

By taking advantage of momentum, Your Clear Path can help you reach your goals within a shorter period than you thought possible. As a coach, Lilyan holds you accountable because accountability is key to growth. Coaching with Lilyan can help you cope with your challenges, give you strength, and motivate you to find alternative approaches and solutions for your life. Coaching is available in Dutch and English.

Do you want to know more about the difference between coaching and Therapy? Check our FAQ page for more insight.

  • We use an empathic approach designed to inspire you to do things differently.
  • Based entirely on your needs and personality while tapping into strengths you didn’t even know you had!
  • As a result of Life Coaching with Your Clear Path, you may see reduction and even elimination of fights, punishments, criticism, and medicines.
  • You can get core energy boosts and deeper insights into your spirit and soul.
  • Upon request, sound medicine, also known as sound healing, and meditation can be part of the journey Your Clear Path offers to you. 

What makes life coaching different than therapy?
Life Coaching is different from therapy because it is a comprehensive approach to your life and the goals you want to achieve. Therapy can also be used for processing events and feelings, and understanding behaviors and emotions. Life Coaching is focused in the here and now. It can be compared with solution-focused therapy.

How often are Life Coaching sessions?
The number of sessions will vary based on your goals. Lilyan will provide suggestions on number of sessions and, based on progress, that can also change once coaching begins.

What is sound medicine or sound healing?
For in-person sessions held in Amsterdam, we can incorporate sound healing using various instruments like the gong, crystal bowls, tuning forks, and more.

For more questions and answers, visit our FAQ page.

Life Coaching

If what you are doing just isn’t working for you, and you find yourself more stressed than accomplished, Life Coaching with Your Clear Path can help. We help with complete life planning, goal setting, motivation, and accountability.

Do you want to learn more about the difference between therapy services and life coaching?


See what our clients have to say.

Ready to unlock your  brighter future?

Complete the form if you have any questions about getting started with Therapy or Life Coaching. Or, if you are ready to get started on becoming the best you, book your consult now!

Book Your Consult

Ready to improve your life?

The first step toward your personal clear path is scheduling a consult with Lilyan. During this 10-minute consult you will tell Lilyan a little bit about yourself and what you are looking to accomplish. We will also review any questions you may have. Let us know a couple dates and times that work best for you.